You would never guess looking at this session how much this little guy was against having his picture taken at first! He came around though, and he was a ton of fun to photograph! We went all around Seneca Lake State Park, which is one of my favorite places to photograph kids, there is just so much to use!
This wedding was a true honor to have the opportunity to shoot, it was our high school art teacher's son's wedding! He is the man who inspired both Pat and I to do what we love and pursue our artistic talents. I can honestly say that we absolutely would not be where we are today if it wasn't for that man! His son's wedding was beautiful, and we loved every minute of it. Everyone was a blast to work with, and the day was perfect! We were at the Webster Golf Club a few times last year, and we look forward to going back again this year! Enjoy these few pics, and watch for more to come in the featured weddings section of our website!
By far one of our favorite places to shoot, this wedding took place at Ventosa Vineyards overlooking Seneca Lake in Geneva, NY! The ceremony and reception took place there, and although we battled with on and off rain all day it turned out to be an absolutely beautiful wedding! They are a GREAT couple and we had so much fun with them!
So close to finishing this new website! I forgot how much I loved this wedding! The beautiful outside ceremony took place at Harriette Hollister Park in Honeoye, NY and the reception followed at the bride's parent's gorgeous property just outside of Canandaigua! The reception was set up in an old barn that was just perfect for such an event! Enjoy these few pics!
As always, we absolutely LOVE shooting at Glenora Winery! This couple was great to shoot and so much fun! We are so lucky to be able to shoot at the amazing waterfall just around the corner, a HUGE thank you to the landowner for allowing us to shoot there! I am really glad that this was a two photographer wedding so that Pat and I could both be there to enjoy the beautiful day!
I am still going through pictures for the website, such a long and hard process! There were so many great weddings in 2011! Here is another one, taking place at the Webster Golf Club (which we went to quite a few times last year) it was an absolutely beautiful day! A great couple, and so much fun for Pat to shoot! Enjoy!